
Humor in Education :)

I saw this on pinterest the other day and had to share!! I found it hilarious because it's so true! I hate time out!! So this is so fitting! :)


School's [Almost] In Session!

Pre school is starting this week and with 110+ kids I knew I'd need a way to remember them all and a FUN way to get to know them. So I hit the dollar store for inspiration. I found some ping pong balls...what 3-4 year old doesnt love a ball. :) I decided to write getting to know you questions on the ball and get going with this bingo style.
We're going to be going over class rules and housekeeping items and then have a review. When the kids get an answer right, they get to draw a ball out of the bowl. "its so simple." (I had a weak moment of speaking in my Boston accent quoting Jim gaffigan...forgive me)
Anyway...just wanted to share the idea. I hope it really keeps their attention. :) new 3's always get restless in the beginning. But I am do ready for this new year. All the minuscule tidbits are taken care of and I am so ready to teach! :)
Hope this helps if anyone's running short on ideas!!

Happy teaching!!

Ms. Kyli