
Movement & Acting Exercise!

i primarily teach the performing arts at Stepping Stones...this has been a COMPLETELY new concept for me considering i have never taught this specialty before. SO, since i have a love thing with popsicle sticks, this is a popsicle stick activity. :) all i did was write different animals, people, materials etc that the kids can act out and put them in a cup

 i turned the music  on and kept pulling out sticks and calling out what the kids had to act. :)
 they had a lot of fun!

and its so simple!!!

Happy teaching!

Ms. Kyli

K is for Key Chain

many of you read about my struggle to come up with things that had to do with the letter K. once my kaleidoscopic failed, i decided to try something simpler. all i did was go to the store and buy some key chains, drew some pictures of things that started with K (i.e. kites, kittens, keys etc.) and had the kids color and cut them out. they then we laminated them. (with my wonderful laminator my husband bought me for valentines...best valentine ever!)

then we just hole punched them and hooked them on our key chains. we then had an entire key chain of K's. :)

happy teaching!

Ms. Kyli

Mini Easter Baskets

i remember being a kid and SAVING my Popsicle sticks because i wanted to make a popsicle stick basket. little did i know that my mom had an ENTIRE giant box of non salivated sticks in our basement. many years later i am am now teaching pre-school and wanting a project that my chitlens will love. it is sad to me that i am still young enough to get my pre-school inspirations off of what i remember loving to do. :S whatever works, right?
so these baskets are sooo simple! all you need is

  •  a HIGH TEMP glue gun and;
  •  popsicle sticks...lots of them. 
i say a high temp glue gun because i started with my low temp and the sticks did not stick the way they were supposed to. once i yanked out my high temp, they fused like a charm.

you start off just lining up popsicle sticks...FOOL PROOF!
excuse my add...i didnt want it sticking to my table so i laid this down JIC. :)
then take another stick and put glue on the ENTIRE thing and lay it across the other sticks about 1/4 way down. about 1 inch away from that one, repeat the step with another stick. then, in a tic tac toe kinda form, lay two other sticks on those ones. 
after you've done that, that is all you're going to do the rest of the time...except every time you criss cross them you are going to slowly start to get farther out each time. 
once you cannot stack the sticks on top of one another and stack out at the same time...you are DONE piece of cake! 
notice how i went to the VERY end. you cant see the ends of the under lapped sticks. :)
after that, i just slid some pastel pipe cleaner through two slats, filled it with a TINY bit of basket grass and put some fake eggs in it. im going to have my chitlens paint them on Tuesday and decorate them...but until then, im just showing the basic steps in case you want to make them with your kids before next weekend!!. :) 

happy teaching!!

<3 Ms. Kyli


K is for Kaleidoscope

this week we are learning the letter K. i think as a child i put up a mental block on all things that started with "K" because all that mattered was K is for Kyli. :) so now that i am a 20 something year old teaching pre-school with my tongue hanging out of my mouth going "duuuhh.." i am struggling. SO google helped me out with my egocentric "K" issues and i decided i wanted them to learn the word kaleidoscope. :)

this art project that i [pre] made is a little rough because i didn't take the time to paint it, color it or wrap it up with actual cutsie paper, stamps or stickers. forgive me... i somehow don't have the time and luxuries of a four year old. couldn't be that blogging is taking up my time, could it? ;)

so, i started with a [unrolled] roll of toilet paper.
[note: i don't actually use toilet paper rolls in class...i feel like that is kind of not sanitary on multiple accounts...and if i cant bring in my own baked goods from my CLEAN kitchen, they sure aren't getting my old brown rolls from my bathroom...blek!]

next,  you'll cut a circle from plain or cardstock paper. 
for the sake of time and sanity, i just used regular paper. 
the circle is going to be about a 1/2 inch bigger than your "cardboard" tube.

after your circle is cut, you are going to trim it so that there are little tabs...for the sake of confusion, i will post the picture and you can take away what you may. :) you just kind of chisel away at it until it looks something like that! 

you're going to take your little chiseled tabs and fold them over your toilet paper roll so that it has a nice tight-ish, but not too tight-ish fit over...it doesnt need to be perfect. remember, art is about the process, not the product! :) 

now, in the other end, you are going to fill your kaleidoscope with whatever...i got little fluffy pom poms so they wouldnt fall out (if you were really material savvy i imagine you could put a layer of plastic wrap in between the tube and the eye hole...but i was just not that smart til now...whoops) but do as you wish with whatever you wish! [process not the product whatever helps me sleep at night]

last but not least, you are going to get some wax paper and close off the open end. i chose wax paper because its not clear, but it will let light through...and it reminded me of the texture of the real kaleidoscopes. :)  i just cut a square off of my bad boy roll and wrapped it around and taped it off. i was even thinking you could put a rubber band around it and change out the innards if you decided you hated the pom poms like i do. :) 

when doing this with the kids i am going to have them glue a colored strip of paper over the taped mess so that it looks some what artsy and not so ghetto. but for the blog, you crafters, teachers, parents and friends will have to use your little imaginations and alter my interesting procedure to fit your personal style.

i hope you enjoyed this!! :) 

happy teaching!

Ms. Kyli (remember, K is for Kyli!)


Lenny The Leprechaun

we celebrated st. patty's day early due to it being today, saturday, and us not holding class. so, what i did was get those gold chocolate coins, put them in a painted pot and send my kiddies on a scavenger hunt.

i had a bunch of different brown bags filled with different colored gummy bears.

at each scene, there were leprechaun foot prints...all you do for these is paint the part of your hand by the pinky, curl it up in a fist and stamp it. then you just use your fingers to make the toes. super simple and the kids thought it was hilarious...and believed it.

once we gathered all of our clues and all of our colors, we were led to the last clue which was a giant poster board. the poster board had colored dots on it that spelled out "stage." this was where the gold was hidden.

once they found the board we then had to take our "rainbow" candies out and match them with the dots on the board. once all the candies were placed, i helped them sound it out and they ran for the stage when Lenny left their treasure. :)

it was so fun seeing how almost freaked out they were at the idea that a leprechaun was in their school. :) i love holidays...minus the sugar rushes. :) but so well worth it!

happy teaching!

Ms. Kyli


Makeover Madness

there is nothing i love more than re-doing a room...okay, lets be honest...there is a lot more i love than re-doing a room...but little compares! that is why i was was stoked when they approved some of the designs i had when it came to re-doing my classroom at school. the teacher that was there before me had some rather...(how to put it delicately)...eye irritating decorations on the walls. (was that delicate enough?) so, after a good therapy session of TEARING IT DOWN, i got to work. it is going to be a work in progress because i dont want to overwhelm the budget, but i am loving the changes THUS far. :)
background info: i am kicking myself for not taking before and after pictures cause you really cant appreciate the difference now...but seriously, they're different! and i, in my little OCD mind, am happy so YOU can be happy for me, right? ...right?
my main class (the one i am in the most) has a stage! i know, right? the stage has a back wall curtain and stairs and a microphone and a  little "sound system" that the kids all think is the coolest thing ever because its secretly a kareoke machine, so if its hooked up to a TV they can see themselves...ANYWAY, all you see when you are facing this stage is a lot of black and white. so, i painted behind the curtain... a burgundy that i am falling in love with more and more the more i stare at it. :) can you tell why?  i love the richness of the color with the contrast of the black...the kids have adored it too. so we are all around a happy classroom. :)

NEEEEXT...i have this really awesome piano in my room that the kids think is so funny to dance to when i pluck out the few songs i actually have memorized...but next to the piano was a WHOLE lot of nothing. each class period, i have the kids silent read for about ten minutes. this has really helped to focus them and get them  more into the stories i have them act out. so, since our first-class seating at pre-school are old church benches, i wanted to create a cozy corner for the kids to do their silent reading in. so, luckily my mother had a BUNCH of fabric she ever so graciously wanted to donate to my cause. and other than what fabric WOULD have costed me, this was sooooo easy and CHEAP!!

materials: whole lotta fabric (it really will vary for how high you want it...so i am not going to be specific)
                closet divider/pole holder (3 dollars and some cents at home depot)
                3 flowers (optional) (1 @ the dollar store for a bunch)
                paint stirrer (free! cause that is what we like to hear!)
                two command strip hooks (3 something? i honestly dont know!?)
                100 twinkle lights (optional)

all you do is fasten the closet divider/horizontal pole holder as high or as low as you want on your wall. drape the fabric over as you desire, place the command strips vertically so the bottom parts of the hooks are facing in (those are what is holding back the fabric) glue the flowers on the command strips because quite frankly, they kill the effect..and if you want to, drape twinkle lights through the fabric and light it up. the kids were so cute when they came in and saw this...they asked me if it was for a wedding. i wish weddings were that simple...but that is just the wonderful example of the world through a childs eyes...and i love it!!

lastly what i have done...this has been the cheapest. :) the dollar store has a VARIETY of frames. i got five black frames in five different sizes and PRINTED (not on photo paper even...) pictures of things that had to do with fame, drama and the performing arts...i de-junked my piano catch all and made use of all of the storage drawers i had and put them on top of my piano. :) the kids didn't really notice...the piano is quite a bit above their eye sight, but i think it makes for a fun accent when parents come to check out the pre-school or are doing tours! and because Broadway is my dream...i absolutely adore it. :) okay, now i am just tooting my own horn. here is the picture! :)
if you haven't read fanny's dream to your kids, i HIGHLY recommend it. what an INSPIRING story!! :)
anyway...those are just a few of the changes i have made thus far...and i will OF course update the changes that i make as i go. i love what i do because i do what i LOVE!

happy teaching!

Ms. Kyli

Spinning Our Wheels

a couple weeks ago we worked on weather. :) we had the basics, our weekly weather, our weather predictions and our weather graph...but i wanted something fun they could take home to talk about the weather with their parents. so i took 20 minutes to design a weather wheel. my pictures aren't the greatest and i honestly just hurried and threw it together so it doesn't even LOOK that good. next year i will be using card stock to print it on and something other than glue sticks to fasten the popsicle sticks on. HOWEVER, all in all...the kids loved it. AND they kept coming to class talking about their weather wheel. :) so it couldn't have been all bad. :)
so, i'd LOVE to actually share the file so that you all could easily print it if you wanted...but lets face it...i dont know how. so, if anyone DOES know how and wants to help a sister out...i'd love you forever and like you for always. anyway, here are the pics just incase you didn't get the visual. :)
Like i said...thrown together and my copies were too light so i had to
hand write a few things...and in my haste, i added the wrong word.
you get the idea. :) 

i just had two different word docs. getting them lined up
so they fit the box in the overlay area was the hardest part.

if you would be interested you can comment or message me on facebook and i can e mail you the documents. :) sorry i am so UN-blog-savvy! i am learning! :)

happy teaching!!

Ms. Kyli