
Mini Easter Baskets

i remember being a kid and SAVING my Popsicle sticks because i wanted to make a popsicle stick basket. little did i know that my mom had an ENTIRE giant box of non salivated sticks in our basement. many years later i am am now teaching pre-school and wanting a project that my chitlens will love. it is sad to me that i am still young enough to get my pre-school inspirations off of what i remember loving to do. :S whatever works, right?
so these baskets are sooo simple! all you need is

  •  a HIGH TEMP glue gun and;
  •  popsicle sticks...lots of them. 
i say a high temp glue gun because i started with my low temp and the sticks did not stick the way they were supposed to. once i yanked out my high temp, they fused like a charm.

you start off just lining up popsicle sticks...FOOL PROOF!
excuse my add...i didnt want it sticking to my table so i laid this down JIC. :)
then take another stick and put glue on the ENTIRE thing and lay it across the other sticks about 1/4 way down. about 1 inch away from that one, repeat the step with another stick. then, in a tic tac toe kinda form, lay two other sticks on those ones. 
after you've done that, that is all you're going to do the rest of the time...except every time you criss cross them you are going to slowly start to get farther out each time. 
once you cannot stack the sticks on top of one another and stack out at the same time...you are DONE piece of cake! 
notice how i went to the VERY end. you cant see the ends of the under lapped sticks. :)
after that, i just slid some pastel pipe cleaner through two slats, filled it with a TINY bit of basket grass and put some fake eggs in it. im going to have my chitlens paint them on Tuesday and decorate them...but until then, im just showing the basic steps in case you want to make them with your kids before next weekend!!. :) 

happy teaching!!

<3 Ms. Kyli

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